NAME: dstmwrp_exp PURPOSE: Returns formatted string for exponents in graphical output CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: dstmwrp_exp, axis, index, number INPUTS: axis : deprecated but kept for backwards compatibility index : deprecated but kept for backwards compatibility number : value to be converted to exponential as formatted string OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: exponential as formatted string OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES expstr=dstmwrp_exp(axis, index, 15000.) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by IC Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustemwrap_plot PURPOSE: plots dustemwrap observed sed, predicted sed, predicted spectra for total intensity, polarization in emission and extinction CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Plotting, Mid-Level CALLING SEQUENCE: dustemwrap_plot,p_dim,st=st,dustem_sed=dustem_sed,SED_spec=SED_spec,dustem_qsed=dustem_qsed,Q_spec=Q_spec,dustem_used=dustem_used,U_spec=U_spec $ ,dustem_polsed,P_spec,dustem_polfrac,SP_spec,dustem_psi_em,PSI_spec $ ,dustem_ext,EXT_spec,dustem_qext,QEXT_spec,dustem_uext,UEXT_spec $ ,dustem_polext,POLEXT_spec,dustem_fpolext,SPEXT_spec,dustem_psi_ext,PSIEXT_spec $ ,_extra=_extra INPUTS: p_dim OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: st = dustem output structure dustem_sed = dustem predicted SED dustem_qsed = dustem predicted StokesQ SED dustem_used = dustem predicted StokesU SED dustem_polsed = dustem predicted LargeP SED dustem_polfrac = dustem predicted smallP SED dustem_psi_em = dustem predicted PSI SED dustem_ext = dustem predicted EXT dustem_qext = dustem predicted StokesQ EXT dustem_uext = dustem predicted StokesU EXT dustem_polext = dustem predicted LargeP EXT dustem_fpolext = dustem predicted smallP EXT dustem_psi_ext = dustem prediced PSI EXT SED_spec = dustem predicted total emission spectrum (total = all-grain) Q_spec = dustem precicted total StokesQ emission spectrum U_spec = dustem predicted total Stokes U emission spectrum P_spec = dustem predicted total LargeP emission spectrum SP_spec = dustem predicted total smallP emission spectrum PSI_spec = dustem predicted total PSI emission spectrum EXT_spec = dustem predicted total extinction spectrum QEXT_spec = dustem predicted total StokesQ extinction spectrum UEXT_spec = dustem predicted total StokesU extinction spectrum POLEXT_spec = dustem predicted total LargeP extinction spectrum SPEXT_spec = dustem predicted total smallP extinction spectrum PSIEXT_spec = dustem predicted total PSI extinction spectrum OUTPUTS: dustem_sed = dustem predicted SED dustem_qsed = dustem predicted StokesQ SED dustem_used = dustem predicted StokesU SED dustem_polsed = dustem predicted LargeP SED dustem_polfrac = dustem predicted smallP SED dustem_psi_em = dustem predicted PSI SED dustem_ext = dustem predicted EXT dustem_qext = dustem predicted StokesQ EXT dustem_uext = dustem predicted StokesU EXT dustem_polext = dustem predicted LargeP EXT dustem_fpolext = dustem predicted smallP EXT dustem_psi_ext = dustem prediced PSI EXT SED_spec = dustem predicted total emission spectrum Q_spec = dustem precicted total StokesQ emission spectrum U_spec = dustem predicted total Stokes U emission spectrum P_spec = dustem predicted total LargeP emission spectrum SP_spec = dustem predicted total smallP emission spectrum PSI_spec = dustem predicted total PSI emission spectrum EXT_spec = dustem predicted total extinction spectrum QEXT_spec = dustem predicted total StokesQ extinction spectrum UEXT_spec = dustem predicted total StokesU extinction spectrum POLEXT_spec = dustem predicted total LargeP extinction spectrum SPEXT_spec = dustem predicted total smallP extinction spectrum PSIEXT_spec = dustem predicted total PSI extinction spectrum; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Generates plots! RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ilyes Choubani 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustemwrap_plot_noobj PURPOSE: plots dustemwrap observed sed, predicted sed, predicted spectra for total Intensity, polarization in emission and extinction without OOP routines CATEGORY: DustEMWrap CALLING SEQUENCE: dustemwrap_plot_noobj,p_dim,st,dustem_sed,SED_spec,dustem_qsed,Q_spec,dustem_used,U_spec,dustem_polsed,P_spec,dustem_polfrac,SP_spec,dustem_psi_em,PSI_spec,dustem_ext,EXT_spec,dustem_qext,QEXT_spec,dustem_uext,UEXT_spec,dustem_polext,POLEXT_spec,dustem_fpolext,SPEXT_spec,dustem_psi_ext,PSIEXT_spec,_extra=_extra INPUTS: p_dim = dustemwrap free parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: st = dustemwrap structure. dustem_sed dustem_qsed dustem_used dustem_polsed dustem_polfrac dustem_psi_em dustem_ext dustem_qext dustem_uext dustem_polext dustem_fpolext dustem_psi_ext OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = currently returns dustemwrap structure if not provided as an entry. dustem_sed = dustem_qsed dustem_used dustem_polsed dustem_polfrac dustem_psi_em dustem_ext dustem_qext dustem_uext dustem_polext dustem_fpolext dustem_psi_ext SED_spec Q_spec U_spec P_spec SP_spec PSI_spec EXT_spec QEXT_spec UEXT_spec POLEXT_spec SPEXT_spec PSIEXT_spec ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Does a plot RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ilyes Choubani Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_activate_plugins PURPOSE: activates the plugins present in the parameter description vector (pd) and the fixed parameter description vector (fpd) CATEGORY: DustEMWrapp, Distributed, Mid-Level, Plugins CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_activate_plugins,p_min[,st][,/help] INPUTS: p_min = (parameter values)/(initial parameter values) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_activate_plugins, p_min ,st=st MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by IC Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_cc PURPOSE: Computes observed SED and color correction for a given spectrum in a given filter CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Mid-Level, Distributed, Color corrections CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=dustem_cc(wave,spec,filter_names,cc=cc,fluxconv=fluxconv,help=help) INPUTS: wave: array of wavelengths for spec spec: spectrum (must be in brightness units) filter_names: names of filters for which color correction is needed OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: sed: SED as observed in filters provided in filter_names OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: cc = color correction coefficients (spec*cc=sed) ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: fluxconv = if set, these are taken for flux conventions possible values: 'nuInu=cste', 'FLAMBDA=cste', 'FLAMBDA=cste' , 'IRAC', 'MIPS', 'CMB', 'HFI', 'LABOCA', 'NIKA2' help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written JPB Apr-2011 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_check_data PURPOSE: Clean and modify the input DustEMWrap structure to meet the requirements of DustEMWrap. This is important for the subsequent internal handling/fitting of data. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Mid-Level, Distributed, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_check_data,data_sed,data_ext,sed=sed,ext=ext,polext=polext,polsed=polsed,polfrac=polfrac,psi_em=psi_em,qsed=qsed,used=used,qext=qext,uext=uext,psi_ext=psi_ext,fpolext=fpolext,[/help] INPUTS: data_sed : Emission DustEMWrap structure data_ext : Extinction DustEMWrap structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: sed : modified emission structure ext : modified extinction structure polext : modified polarized extinction structure polsed : modified polarized emission structure polfrac : modified fractional polarized emission structure psi_em : modified emission polarization angle structure qsed : modified StokesQ emission structure used : modified StokesU emission structure qext : modified StokesQ extinction structure uext : modified StokesU extinction structure psi_ext : modified extinction polarization angle structure fpolext : modified fractional extinction polarization structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_check_data,data_sed,data_ext,sed=sed,ext=ext,polext=polext,polsed=polsed,polfrac=polfrac,psi_em=psi_em,qsed=qsed,used=used,qext=qext,uext=uext,psi_ext=psi_ext,fpolext=fpolext,[/help] dustem_check_data,/help MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written IC 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help. COMMENTS: Might still need a bit of cleaning. I am unsure of the availability of covariance data in polarized extinction. Still regarding extinction, some of the error messages haven't been mirrored correctly with respect to the emission block.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_compute_ext PURPOSE: Computes Extinction in units of optical depth for a given Dustem spectrum CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Mid-level, Distributed CALLING SEQUENCE: ext=dustem_compute_ext(p_dim[,st=][,ext_spec=][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure OUTPUTS: ext_spec = computed EXT for spectrum points in !dustem_data OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_compute_gb_sed PURPOSE: Computes an SED for a modified blackbody CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=dustem_compute_sed(p_dim[,st=][,_extra=][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = [a0,a1,a2] modified blackbody parameter values a0 -- normalisation a1 -- dust temperature a2 -- emissivity OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: sed = computed SED for filters in !dustem_data.sed OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written JP Bernard 2011 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_compute_gb_sed_fast PURPOSE: Computes an SED from a given Grey Body spectrum CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=dustem_compute_sed(p_dim[,st=][,cont=][,_extra=][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: sed = computed SED for filters in !dustem_data OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_compute_polext PURPOSE: Computes Polarized Extinction in units of optical depth for a given Dustem spectrum CATEGORY: Dustem, Distributed, CALLING SEQUENCE: polext=dustem_compute_polext(p_dim[,st=][,polext_spec=][,spext_spec=][,dustem_fpolext=][,dustem_ext=][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure dustem_ext = Computed polarized extinction for spectrum points in !dustem_data OUTPUTS: polext = computed Polarized Extinction for spectrum points in !dustem_data OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure polext_spec = Dustem polarized extiction output spext_spec = Dustem polarized exinction fraction dustem_fpolext = Computed polarized extinction fraction for spectrum points in !dustem_data ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB,NF,DP Jan-2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_compute_polsed PURPOSE: Computes a Polarized SED for a given Dustem spectrum CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Mid-Level, Distributed CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=dustem_compute_polsed(p_dim[,st=][,P_spec=][,SP_spec=][,dustem_polfrac=][,dustem_sed=][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem structure dustem_sed = Computed emission for spectrum points in !dustem_data OUTPUTS: sed = computed SED for filters in !dustem_data dustem_polsed = Computed polarized emission for spectrum points in !dustem_data P_spec = Dustem polarized emission output SP_spec = Dustem polarized emission fraction dustem_polfrac = Computed polarization emission fraction for spectrum points in !dustem_data OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem structure dustem_sed = Computed emission for spectrum points in !dustem_data ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_compute_sed PURPOSE: Computes a SED for a given Dustem model CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=dustem_compute_sed(p_dim[,st][,sed_spec][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure OUTPUTS: sed = computed SED for filters in !dustem_data OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = dustem output structure sed_spec = dustem emission spectrum ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2008 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_compute_stokes PURPOSE: Computes Stokes Parmeters SEDs for a given Dustem spectrum CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: out=dustem_compute_stokes(p_dim[,st=][,Q_spec=][,U_spec=][,PSI_spec=][,dustem_psi_em=][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem structure OUTPUTS: out = List Containing the Stokes parameters emission for spectrum points in !dustem_data out[0] = Computed Stokes Q emission for spectrum points in !dustem_data out[1] = Computed Stokes U emission for spectrum points in !dustem_data OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure Q_spec = Dustem Stokes Q emission U_spec = Dustem Stokes U emission PSI_spec = Dustem Polarization angle output in emission dustem_psi_em = Computed Polarization angle ouput for spectrum points in !dustem_data ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2021 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_compute_stokext PURPOSE: Computes Stokes Parameters for extinction in units of optical depth for a given Dustem spectrum CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: out=dustem_compute_stokext(p_dim[,st=][,QEXT_spec=QEXT_spec][,UEXT_spec=UEXT_spec][,PSIEXT_spec=PSIEXT_spec][,dustem_psi_ext=dustem_psi_ext][,/help]) INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem structure OUTPUTS: out = List Containing the Stokes parameters extinction for spectrum points in !dustem_data out[0] = Computed Stokes Q extinction for spectrum points in !dustem_data out[1] = Computed Stokes U extinction for spectrum points in !dustem_data OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure QEXT_spec = Dustem Stokes Q extinction UEXT_spec = Dustem Stokes U extinction PSIEXT_spec = Dustem Polarization angle output in extinction dustem_psi_ext = Computed Polarization angle ouput for spectrum points in !dustem_data ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_create_ionfrac PURPOSE: Calculates the neutral/positive/negative PAH fractions for a given temperature, density and grain size distribution and writes it to the appropriate .DAT file (according to !run_ionfrac). Deprecated CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, MidLevel, Deprecated CALLING SEQUENCE: INPUTS: key -- (1) gas temperature and (2) n_elec val -- values corresponding to parameters passed by key other physical parameters taken from the dust model as specified in the grain structure, i.e. (*!dustem_params).grains OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by NF 2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_create_rfield PURPOSE: generates a file with the radiation field in format suitable for DUSTEM (ISRF.DAT). Units erg/cm2/s/Hz (4*!pi*I_nu) RFIELD = ISRF + WDIL*PI*BB(TEMP) ' CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Helper CALLING SEQUENCE: mathis = DUSTEM_MATHIS_FIELD(x,unit=unit) INPUTS: TEMP -- blackbody temperature (can be an array). If 0 only ISRF. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: X -- wavelength -grid for the ISRF in microns. Default is 200 pts over 0.01-10^5 microns. (including WCUT point). You want to include WCUT for accurate edges. ISRF -- if set to 0 no ISRF is added, 1 is Mathis (default), 2 is Habing WDIL -- blackbody dilution factor (can be an array) FNAME -- filename for ISRF.DAT WCUT --- for wave < wcut radiation field is 0 OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: G0 -- factor flux(6-13.6eV) wrt. Mathis field CHI -- scaling factor at 100nm wrt. Mathis field ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES tt = dustem_create_rfield([2d4,5d4],wdil=[1.d-14,1.d-16],x=x,fname='ISRF.DAT') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by LV 2009 Initially distributed with the Fortran, incorporated into DustEMWrap 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_create_stext PURPOSE: Produces stokes extinction parameters (cross sections / optical depths) CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper, Plugin, Distributed CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_create_stext(st,key=key,val=val) INPUTS: st (st = dustem_run(p_dim)) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: out = array containing the extinction stokes parameters OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: This is a dustem plugin EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_data_tag PURPOSE: Returns index and optionally number of tags in !dustem_data system variable structure CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel CALLING SEQUENCE: idx = dustem_data_tag(count=ntags) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: index of valid tags OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: count = number of valid tags found COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES idx = dustem_data_tag(count=ntags) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_define_dustem_data PURPOSE: Returns data structure with appropriate tags (format depends on polarized vs non polarized run) CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_data = dustem_define_dustem_data([/pol],[rchi2=outvar]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: data structure with appropriate tags OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: structure with the same tags for the corresponding reduced chi2 weights ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_data = dustem_define_dustem_data(pol=1) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_define_la_common PURPOSE: Defines common blocks needed by the la_ routines CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_define_la_common INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: None COMMON BLOCKS: ERROR_CURRENT; SESSION_MODE; STATUS_BOOL SIDE EFFECTS: Initializes common blocks RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: None EXAMPLES dustem_define_la_common MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_extract_sed_example PURPOSE: This routine contains a simple example of how to extract an SED to use with DustEMWrap. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_extract_sed_example INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: None COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Jan 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fill_ext_dependent_columns PURPOSE: fill up columns of a DustEMWrap EXT that are dependent on I,Q,U and associated (co-)variances CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User-convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: output=dustem_fill_ext_dependent_columns(ext[,/help]) INPUTS: ext : a valid DustEMWrap ext OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES filled_ext=dustem_fill_ext_dependent_columns(ext) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by AH Nov-2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fill_sed_dependent_columns PURPOSE: fill up columns of a DustEMWrap SED that are depednent on I,Q,U and associated (co-)variances CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User-convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: output=dustem_fill_sed_dependent_columns(sed[,/help]) INPUTS: sed : a valid dustemwrap sed OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES filled_sed=dustem_fill_sed_dependent_columns(sed) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB June-2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_filter2filter_filename PURPOSE: Returns transmission file name given the filter name CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Low-Level, Distributed, Filters CALLING SEQUENCE: filename=dustem_filter2filter_filename(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: filename = file name OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help restart = If set, (re-)initialise DustEMWrap COMMON BLOCKS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2filter_filename(['MIRI1']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_filter2fluxconv PURPOSE: Returns flux convention given filter name CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Low-level, Distributed, Filters CALLING SEQUENCE: flx_conv=dustem_filter2fluxconv(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: flx_conv = Flux convention string OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2fluxconv(['IRAS1','MIPS3']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2008 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_filter2freq PURPOSE: Returns reference frequency given filter name CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Low-Level, Distributed, Filters, User-convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: freq=dustem_filter2freq(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: freq = reference frequency (GHz) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Reads instrument_description.xcat at each call. Not optimal. RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2freq(['IRAS1','MIPS3']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_filter2instru PURPOSE: Returns instrument name given filter name CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Low-Level, Distributed, Filters CALLING SEQUENCE: inst_name=dustem_filter2instru(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: inst_name = Instrument name OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2instru(['IRAS1','MIPS3']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_filter2name PURPOSE: Returns the instrument team's name for a given filter CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Low-Level, Distributed, Filters, User-convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: filename=dustem_filter2name(filter[,/help][,/restart]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: filename = file name OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help restart = If set, (re-)initialise DustEMWrap COMMON BLOCKS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2name(['MIRI1']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_filter2reso PURPOSE: Returns the native resolution of an instrument in a given filter (if information is present in instrument_description.xcat file) CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Low-Level, Distributed, Filters, User-convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: filename=dustem_filter2reso(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: filename = file name OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help restart = If set, (re-)initialise DustEMWrap COMMON BLOCKS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2reso(['MIRI1']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_filter2wav PURPOSE: Returns reference wavelength given filter name CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Low-Level, Distributed, Filters, User-convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: wave=dustem_filter2wav(filter[,/help]) INPUTS: filter = Filter name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: wave = reference wavelength (microns) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Reads instrument_description.xcat at each call. Not optimal. RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_filter2wav(['IRAS1','MIPS3']) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_filter_init PURPOSE: Initializes the dustem filter structure (!dustem_filters) CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_filter_init[,/help] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: initializes !dustem_filters RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init dustem_filter_init MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit PURPOSE: Runs conjointly a fit on extinction, emission and polarization by extinction CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Deprecated CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=dustem_fit([/noplot,/help]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: noplot : do not display figures OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by V. Guillet (2012) TLS added by D. Paradis. Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit_ext_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to fit an observational extinction SED (StokesI only) with DustEM and DustEMWrap. See the DustEMWrap User Guide for more information. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_ext_example[,model=][ext_file=][,postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose,/noobj] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. ext_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational extinction SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/Mathis90Fitz99_DISM_NH20.xcat' is used. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_ext_example dustem_fit_ext_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_ext_example,model='DBP90' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by AH Oct 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit_ext_pol_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to fit an observational extinction SED (StokesI,Q,U) with DustEM and DustEMWrap. See the DustEMWrap User Guide for more information. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_ext_pol_example[,model=][ext_file=][,postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose,/noobj] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models. ext_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational extinction SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/Mathis90Fitz99_DISM_NH20.xcat' is used to define the observational structure, and a synthetic observation is generated using the dust model. Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_ext_pol_example dustem_fit_ext_pol_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_ext_pol_example,model='G17_MODELD' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Apr-2021 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit_intensity_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to fit an observational SED (StokesI only) with DustEM and DustEMWrap. The objective is to illustrate how to use DustEMWrap and not to do science -- the fit obtained by running this example is likely to be poor. For this example, the code uses the SED in the file example_SED_1.xcat, which is distributed in the Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/ directory The example SED has Stokes I photometric data points from IRAC, MIPS and IRAS. Examples illustrating running DustEMWrap to fit spectral data, polarisation data and extinction data are provided in other _example routines in the src/idl/ directory. See the DustEMWrap User Guide for more information. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_intensity_example[,model=][sed_file=][,postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. sed_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/example_SED_1.xcat' is used. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_intensity_example dustem_fit_intensity_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_intensity_example,model='DBP90' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Apr-2011 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit_intensity_mbb_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to fit an observational SED (StokesI only) with DustEM and DustEMWrap. For this example, the code uses the SED in the file example_SED_1.xcat, which is distributed in the Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/ directory In addition, this example uses the plugin to fit the FIR part of the spectrum using a modified black-body rather than a physical ISM dust model for the big grain population. The example SED has Stokes I photometric data points from IRAC, MIPS and IRAS. Examples illustrating running DustEMWrap to fit spectral data, polarisation data and extinction data are provided in other _example routines in the src/idl/ directory. See the DustEMWrap User Guide for more information. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_intensity_mbb_example[,model=][sed_file=][,postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. sed_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/example_SED_1.xcat' is used. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_intensity_mbb_example dustem_fit_intensity_mbb_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_intensity_mbb_example,model='DBP90' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by AH Apr-2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit_polarization_example PURPOSE: This is an example of how to fit observational SEDs (with measurements in Stokes IQU) using DustEMWrap. It is intended as an example to follow when writing your own programs to analyse data with DustEMWrap. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_polarization_example[,model=][sed_file=][,postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, Results save structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. sed_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/example_SED_3.xcat' is used. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. fits_save = if set, saves results in a FITS file. help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_polarization_example dustem_fit_polarization_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_polarization_example,model='DBP90' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Apr-2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit_sed_ext_pol_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to fit an observational data in emission + extinction SED (StokesI,Q,U) with DustEM and DustEMWrap. See the DustEMWrap User Guide for more information. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_sed_ext_pol_example[,model=][sed_file=][ext_file=][postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose,/noobj] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. sed_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/example_SED_2.xcat' is used. ext_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational extinction SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/Mathis90Fitz99_DISM_NH20.xcat' is used. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. The code then restore this file and plots the results using the saved results information. help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_sed_ext_pol_example dustem_fit_sed_ext_pol_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_sed_ext_pol_example,model='G17_MODELC' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Apr-2011 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit_sed_ext_stokesi_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to fit an observational data in emission + extinction SED (StokesI only) with DustEM and DustEMWrap. See the DustEMWrap User Guide for more information. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_sed_ext_stokesi_example[,model=][sed_file=][ext_file=][postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose,/noobj] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. Default for this example is J13. sed_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/example_SED_3.xcat' is used to identify the filters, and the model is used to generate a predicted SED. ext_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational extinction SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/Mathis90Fitz99_DISM_NH20.xcat' is used to identify the wavelength range, and the dust model is used to generate the corresponding extinction. Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_sed_ext_stokesi_example dustem_fit_sed_ext_stokesi_example,Nitermax=1,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_sed_ext_stokesi_example,model='MC10' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Apr-2011 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_fit_spectro_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to fit spectrometer data in emission (StokesI only) with DustEM and DustEMWrap. See the DustEMWrap User Guide for more information. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_spectro_example[,model=][sed_file=][ext_file=][postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose,/noobj] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. sed_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/example_SED_2.xcat' is used. Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. ucfactor = Multiplicative factor for uncertainties on spectrometer data. Default is 1. fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_spectro_example dustem_fit_spectro_example,Nitermax=10,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_spectro_example,model='DBP90' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by AH Oct 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_gb_plot_fit_sed PURPOSE: Plots a model and SED. Parameter values and error are printed on plot. Used for plotting results during fit. CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_gb_plot_fit_sed,ww,spec,sed[,/no_spec_error][,res=][,errors=][,chi2=][,rchi2=][/help][_extra=] INPUTS: ww = wavelengths for spec (micron) spec = Model spectrum sed = SED corresponding to the model OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: res = fit result values. If set values are written on plot. errors = fit result errors. If set values are written on plot. chi2 = fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. rchi2 = Reduced fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: SED and model are plotted RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_gb_plot_fit_sed,ww,spec,sed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_get_wavelengths PURPOSE: returns the wavelengths used for dustemwrap spectra. (Are they the same for emission and extinction ?) CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper CALLING SEQUENCE: wavelengths=dustem_get_wavelengths([/help]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: wavelengths = set of wavelengths [mic] OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_grains_colors PURPOSE: Returns color information for representing different grain populations in graphical output CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: cols=dustem_grains_colors(Ngrains,ls_outvar,[/ps,/cgplot]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: colors ls = linestyles OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: ps = color information for output as a postscript file cgplot = color informatin for output using cg_ routines COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES cols=dustem_grains_colors(3,ls,/cgplot) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_greybody_mpfit PURPOSE: function used to fit greybody with dustem_mpfit_sed CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: res=dustem_greybody_mpfit(x,params[,_EXTRA=extra][,cc_sed=cc_sed][,/help]) INPUTS: x = necessary for interface but unused params = Model parameters normalized to initial values ([amplitude,T,beta]) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: cc_sed = SED color correction factors _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: SED and model are plotted if !dustem_show_plot RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES res=dustem_greybody_mpfit(x,params[,_EXTRA=extra][,cc_sed=cc_sed][,/help]) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_habing_field PURPOSE: Returns the Habing interstellar radiation field SED (ISRF) in W/m2 (4*!pi*nu*I_nu) (from Draine & Bertoldi 1996) CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Helper CALLING SEQUENCE: habing = DUSTEM_HABING_FIELD(x,unit=unit) INPUTS: x : wavelength grid for the ISRF (1D array) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: UNIT: unit of the ISRF. Choices are 'W': wave in um [Default] 'F': frequency in cm-1 'E': energy in eV OUTPUTS: ISRF : the Habing isrf as 1d vector in requested units OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES wavs=3.+findgen(3000) ; wavelenghts 3 to 3003um isrf = DUSTEM_HABING_FIELD(wavs,unit='W') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by LV 2009 Initially distributed with the Fortran, incorporated into DustEMWrap 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_init PURPOSE: Defines system variables to run the DUSTEM code CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, HighLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_init,model=model, INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; st_model ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. wraptest = test running dustem f90 through the wrapper plot_it = plots result of wraptest (ignored if wraptest not set) help = if set, print this help verbose = if set, output code diagnostic info (default OFF) polarization = set this variables for runs taking polarization into account noerase : set this keyword to not erase the temporary DAT files used by DustEMWrap noobj : set this keyword to turn off object-oriented graphical output when using IDL. Object-oriented graphics are OFF by default for GDL and Fawlty. grain_keywords : Fortran grain keywords. Must be an array of Ngrains strings. Use '?' to keep default values. COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: 1/ The following system variables are initialized to null values or empty pointers: !dustem_fit !dustem_data !dustem_inputs !dustem_params !run_ionfrac !dustem_idl_continuum !dustem_filters !dustem_verbose !dustem_show_plot 2/ optionally runs the fortran code (if wraptest) This step calls the Fortran code to run a standard model 3/ !dustem_filters is initialized calling RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_init,model="MC10",/wrap,/plot_it MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB,NF,DP Jan-2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_initialize_ext PURPOSE: Initializes an empty Dustem EXT structure CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper, Distribued, Low-Level CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_initialize_ext(Next[,/help]) INPUTS: Next: Number of elements/filters in the EXT structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st = EXT structure The structure contains the following tags instru : name of the instrument. Actually not used by DustemWrap. filter : name of the filter. Actually defines the wavelength, the flux convention, etc ... wave : wavelength in microns. Actually not used by DustemWrap. [microns] EXT_I : Total Extinction Cross-section (a.k.a. Ext_I) [cm^2/H] EXT_Q : Q Extinction Cross-section [cm^2/H] EXT_U : U Extintion Cross-section [cm^2/H] EXT_P : P Extinction Cross-section [cm^2/H] (computed from EXT_Q,EXT_U or directly from VG's models) EXT_smallp : Smallp Extinction Cross-section (Extinction polarization fraction) [] psi : polarization angle [deg] (computed from EXT_Q,EXT_U) sigextII : = error^2 (for completness on sigmas) [cm^2/H^2] sigextQQ : variance on Q [cm^2/H^2] sigextUU : variance on U [cm^2/H^2] sigextIQ : IQ covariance [cm^2/H^2] sigextIU : IU covariance [cm^2/H^2] sigextQU : QU covariance [cm^2/H^2] sigextP : uncertainty on largep [cm^2/H] sigextsmallp = uncertainty on smallp [] sigextpsi : uncertainty on psi [deg] OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: comments : string comments about the EXT SED ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: Straightforward EXAMPLES st=dustem_initialize_ext(10) help,st MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB 2009 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_initialize_sed PURPOSE: Initializes an empty DustEMWrapper SED structure CATEGORY: DustEMWrapper, Distributed, Lowlevel CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_initialize_sed(Nsed[,/help]) INPUTS: Nsed: Number of elements/filters in the SED structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st = SED structure The structure contains the following tags instru : name of the instrument. Actually not used by DustemWrap. filter : name of the filter. Actually defines the wavelength, the flux convention, etc ... wave : wavelength in microns. Actually not used by DustemWrap. [microns] spec : Total intensity Intensity (a.k.a. Stokes I) [MJy/sr] StokesQ : Stokes Q intensity [MJy/sr] StokesU : Stokes U intensity [MJy/sr] largeP : polarized intensity [MJy/sr] (computed from StokesQ,StokesU) smallp : polarization fraction [] (computed from StokesI, StokesQ,StokesU) psi : polarization angle [deg] (computed from StokesQ,StokesU) sigmaII : = error^2 (for completness on sigmas) [MJy/sr^2] sigmaQQ : variance on Q [MJy/sr^2] sigmaUU : variance on U [MJy/sr^2] sigmaIQ : IQ covariance [MJy/sr^2] sigmaIU : IU covariance [MJy/sr^2] sigmaQU : QU covariance [MJy/sr^2] sigma_largep : uncertainty on largep [MJy/sr] sigma_smallp: uncertainty on smallp [] sigma_psi : uncertainty on psi [deg] OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: comments : string comments about the SED ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: Straightforward EXAMPLES st=dustem_initialize_sed(10) help,st MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_init_fixed_params PURPOSE: This routine updates the fixed parameters of both the dust models and plugins in the input files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_init_params, pd, iv, [,fpd=fpd,fiv=fiv,ulimed=ulimed,llimed=llimed,ulims=ulims,lolims=llims,tied=tied,fixed=fixed] INPUTS: model -- the dust model pd -- the parameter description vector iv -- the initial values of the free parameters OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM 'MC10' model from Compiegne et al 2010 (default) 'DBP90' model from Desert et al 1990 'DL01' model from Draine & Li 2001 'WD01_RV5p5B' model from Weingartner & Draine 2002 with Rv=5.5 'DL07' model from Draine & Li 2007 'J13' model from Jones et al 2013, as updated in Koehler et al 2014 'G17_ModelA' model A from Guillet et al (2018). Includes polarisation. See Tables 2 and 3 of that paper for details. 'G17_ModelB' model B from Guillet et al (2018) 'G17_ModelC' model C from Guillet et al (2018) 'G17_ModelD' model A from Guillet et al (2018) help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: dustem_init_parinfo dustem_init_plugins dustem_init_fixed_params EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by AH October-2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_init_params PURPOSE: This routine initialises the free and fixed parameters of both the dust models and plugins. It does some basic sanity checking. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Mid-Level, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_init_params, model, pd, iv, [,fpd=fpd,fiv=fiv,ulimed=ulimed,llimed=llimed,ulims=ulims,lolims=llims,tied=tied,fixed=fixed] INPUTS: model -- the dust model pd -- the parameter description vector iv -- the initial values of the free parameters OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: fpd -- the fixed parameter description vector fiv -- the initial values of the fixed parameters ulimed -- flag 1/0 if upper limits ON/OFF llimed -- flag 1/0 if lower limits ON/OFF ulims -- upper limit values llims -- lower limit values OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: polarization = assume dustem is running in polarization mode help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: dustem_init_parinfo dustem_init_plugins dustem_init_fixed_params EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by AH October-2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_init_parinfo PURPOSE: CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_init_parinfo INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_init_plugins PURPOSE: initializes variable !dustem_plugin CATEGORY: DustEMWrap CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_init_plugins,pd,[fpd=fpd,help=help] INPUTS: pd : variable parameters description OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: fpd : fixed parameters description OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: !dustem_plugin is set RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ilyes Choubani Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_instru2filters PURPOSE: Returns the filters of a given instrument known to DustEMWrap as an array of strings CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Low-Level, Distributed, Filters, User-convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: filters=dustem_instru2filters(instru) INPUTS: instru = Instrument name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: filters = filters of the instruments as an array of strings OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES print,dustem_instru2filter('AKARI') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_make_fits_predicted_ext PURPOSE: extracts dustemwrap predicted extinction SED from dustem system variable syst_var, to be put into fits files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: str_predicted_EXT=dustem_make_fits_predicted_ext(syst_var,dustem_predicted_ext[,str_input_ext=]) see INPUTS: syst_var : dustem system variable (*!dustem_data or *!dustem_show) dustem_predicted_ext : dustemwrap predicted extinction SED as output by OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: dustem_predicted_Qext : Stokes Q extinction SED dustem_predicted_Uext : Stokes U extinction SED OUTPUTS: str_predicted_EXT : dustemwrap predicted extinction SED as used to store into fits file OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: str_input_ext : dustem wrap input extinction SED ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES: str_predicted_EXT=dustem_make_fits_predicted_ext(*!dustem_data,dustem_predicted_ext,str_input_ext=str_input_ext) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Dec 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_make_fits_predicted_sed PURPOSE: extracts dustemwrap predicted SED from dustem system variable syst_var, to be put into fits files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: str_predicted_SED=dustem_make_fits_predicted_sed(syst_var,dustem_predicted_sed[,str_input_sed=]) see INPUTS: syst_var : dustem system variable (*!dustem_data or *!dustem_show) what = which tag of syst_var must be treated (can be sed, qsed, used, ...) dustem_predicted_sed : dustemwrap predicted SED as output by OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: dustem_predicted_Qsed : Stokes Q SED dustem_predicted_Used : Stokes U SED OUTPUTS: str_predicted_SED : dustemwrap predicted SED as used to store into fits file OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: str_input_sed : dustem wrap input SED ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES: str_predicted_SED=dustem_make_fits_predicted_sed(*!dustem_data,dustem_predicted_sed,str_input_sed=str_input_sed) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Dec 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_make_polarization_ext_example PURPOSE: This is an example of how to generate an extinction curve (Stokes IQU) using one of the physical dust models in DustEMWrap. It is meant to be an example to follow when writing your own programs using DustEMWrap CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_make_polarization_ext_example[,model=][,filters=][,/help] INPUTS: wave = wavelength range specified as [minwave,maxwave] in microns over which to construct the extinction curve. The resulting curve will be defined on the vector : wave_vector=10^(alog10(wave[0])+alog10(wave[1])*findgen(Next)/float(Next)) default is [0.01,50] Next = number of measurements in the extinction curve. Default is 100. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: outfile = path+filename for .xcat output of the EXT ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. help = If set print this help verbose = If set, subroutines will be more chatty COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_make_polarization_ext_example dustem_make_polarization_ext_example,model='G17_MODELC',outfile='my_polarized_ext.xcat' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by AH Nov-2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_make_polarization_sed_example PURPOSE: This is an example of how to generate an SED (StokesIQU) using DustEMWrap. It is meant to be an example to follow when writing your own programs using DustEMWrap CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_make_polarization_sed_example[,model=][,filters=][,/help] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: filters = instrument bands for which SED is created. Default is ['IRAS1','IRAS2','IRAS3','IRAS4','PACS3','SPIRE1','SPIRE2','SPIRE3','HFI2','HFI3','HFI4','HFI5','HFI6','LFI1','LFI2','LFI3'] OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: outfile = path+filename for .xcat output of the SED. Default is './polarization_sed.xcat' ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = if set, name of the DustEM dust model to use (default='G17_MODELD') help = If set print this help verbose = If set, subroutines will be more chatty COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_make_polarization_sed_example dustem_make_polarization_sed_example,model='G17_MODELA',outfile='mysed.xcat' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB June-2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_mask_data PURPOSE: Set dataset values to la_undef() for specified filter/spectrum data in an input DustEmWrap data structure. CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper CALLING SEQUENCE: data_struct=dustem_mask_data(data_struct,filters,data_set=,/default) INPUTS: data_struct : SED Data structure following the format explained in the DustermWrap Users' Guide filters : Can be an array or list. In both cases it should contain the filter names as character strings. ie: filters=['SPIRE1','SPIRE2'] for an array or filters=list(['SPIRE2','SPIRE1','PACS2'],['HFI5','HFI4']) for a list. When using a list, its shape (dimension) and the number of elements of the data_set array should be equal. Each dimension is an array of filters to be removed from the corresponding data set in the data_set array. ie: filters=list(['SPIRE2','SPIRE1','PACS2'],['LFI2','LFI3']) for datas_set=['STOKESI','STOKESQ'] OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: data_set : Array of character strings containing the different data sets to be filtered. ie: ['STOKESI','STOKESQ','STOKESU'] or just ['STOKESQ'] for example. OUTPUTS: data_struct OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help default = if set, remove targeted filter/spectrum point(s) from datasets that depend on the filtered dataset(s). EAMPLE masked_structure = dustem_mask_data(data_struct,['IRAS1','IRAS2'],data_set=['STOKESI']) COMMENTS IC: If a wavelength value is supplied instead of a filter name, the procedure masks for a spectrum point with that corresponding wavelength If the dataset array isn't supplied, all the datasets in the input data structure will be considered. If both filters and dataset are arrays, all mentioned filters will be masked from all mentioned datasets. This procedure does not change the shape of the output structure partly because does. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by IC 2022
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_mathis_field PURPOSE: Returns the Mathis interstellar radiation field SED (ISRF) in W/m2 (4*!pi*nu*I_nu) from Mathis et al. 1983, A&A 128, 212 CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Helper CALLING SEQUENCE: mathis = DUSTEM_MATHIS_FIELD(x,unit=unit) INPUTS: x : wavelength grid for the ISRF (1D array) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: UNIT: unit of the ISRF. Choices are 'W': wave in um [Default] 'F': frequency in cm-1 'E': energy in eV OUTPUTS: ISRF : the Mathis isrf as 1d vector in requested units OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES wavs=3.+findgen(3000) ; wavelenghts 3 to 3003um isrf = DUSTEM_MATHIS_FIELD(wavs,unit='W') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by LV 2009 Initially distributed with the Fortran, incorporated into DustEMWrap 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_mbb_function PURPOSE: To calculate a modified BB in units of MJy/sr, i.e. MBB=tau0*(wav/wav0)^{alpha})*(2hc/wav^3)*(1/(exp(hc/wavkT)-1)) CALLING SEQUENCE: mbbflux = dustem_mbb_function(temp,alpha,wav0,wave) INPUT PARAMETERS: WAVE in microns [vector] WAV0 reference wavelength in microns TEMP Scalar giving the temperature of the Planck function in degree K ALPHA Scalar, (wave/wav0)^{alpha}. Typical values are alpha = -1, -2 TAU Scalar, optical depth, assume =1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: MBBFLUX - Scalar or vector giving the MBB function evaluated at the specified wavelength points. EXAMPLES: RESTRICTIONS: Values less than approximately 1E-24 are truncated to 0. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY:
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_mpfit_data PURPOSE: call MPFIT to fit observational datas using ponderated reduced chi2 between extinction, emission, and polarisation as defined in !fit_rchi2_weight CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: res=dustem_mpfit_data(tol=tol,Nitermax=Nitermax,gtol=gtol) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by V. Guillet (2012) Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_mpfit_run PURPOSE: function used to fit dustem model with dustem_mpfit_sed CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: res=dustem_mpfit_run_vg(x,params[,_EXTRA=extra][,cc_sed=cc_sed][,/help]) INPUTS: x = necessary for interface but unused params = Dustem Model parameters normalized to initial values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: cc_sed = SED color correction factors _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: SED and model are plotted if !dustem_show_plot RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES res=dustem_mpfit_run_vg(x,params[,_EXTRA=extra][,cc_sed=cc_sed][,/help]) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Adapted to extinction and polarization by Vincent Guillet (IAS) Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_myisrf_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to generate an alternative ISRF and then fit an observational SED (StokesI only) with DustEM and DustEMWrap using this non-default ISRF. The objective is to illustrate how to use dustem_plugin_modify_isrf and not to do science -- the fit obtained by running this example is likely to be poor. For this example, the code uses the SED in the file example_SED_1.xcat, which is distributed in the Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/ directory CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_myisrf_example[,model=][,sed_file=][,isrf_file=][,postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose] INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. sed_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/example_SED_1.xcat' is used. isrf_file = text file describing ISRF postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_myisrf_example,isrf_file='my_isrf.xcat',nitermax=10,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_nir_continuum PURPOSE: Dustem Wrapper plugin to add NIR continuum to SED CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper (plugin) CALLING SEQUENCE: cont=dustem_nir_continuum([key=][,val=][,scope=][,/help]) INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter numbers (starting at 1) val = input parameter values (same dimension as key) OUTPUTS: result = continuum spectrum (computed on DustemWrap SED wavelengths) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: This is a dustem pluggin EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_parameter_description2type PURPOSE: Returns index and optionally number of tags in !dustem_data system variable structure CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel CALLING SEQUENCE: parameter_type = dustem_parameter_description2type(parameter_description,[string_name=string_name]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: parameter_type as formatted string OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES ptype = dustem_parameter_description2type(param_description) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_planck_function PURPOSE: To calculate the Planck function in units of MJy/sr CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level, User convenience, Analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: bbflux = dustem_planck_function(temp,wave) INPUT PARAMETERS: WAVE in microns TEMP Scalar giving the temperature of the Planck function in degree K OUTPUT: BBFLUX - Scalar or vector giving the Planck function at the specified wavelength points. ACCEPTED KEYWORDS help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None EXAMPLES: RESTRICTIONS: Values less than approximately 1E-24 are truncated to 0. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Apr-2011 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_dataset PURPOSE: Allows the plotting of a (several) dataset(s) CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-level, Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_dataset, st, dustem_interp, dustem_spec, dataset ,extra_spec=extra_spec, refresh=refresh, position=position,positive_only=positive_only, negative_only=negative_only, _extra=_extra INPUTS: st = DustEM output structure INPUT and OUTPUT KEYWORDS: dustem_interp = dustem SED predictions - type = array or list of arrays. dustem_spec = dustem spectra predictions (Emission or Extinction) - type = array or list of arrays extra_spec = Specific to the use of polfrac that requires an extra spectrum (that of SED) - type = array or list of arrays dataset = Dataset(s) to be plotted - type = array. If absent, nothing gets plotted. position = Position(s) of the plot(s) - type = list positive_only = Plotting of positive data on a 'modified logarithm' axis/plot - type = Boolean array negative_only = Plotting of negative data on a 'modified logarithm' axis/plot - type = OUTPUTS: NONE ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help refresh = Plot the datasets that change after each DustEM run COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Does a plot RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ilyes Choubani 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_data_sed PURPOSE: Plots Dustem SED data CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_data_sed[,/help][_extra=] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: SED and model are plotted RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_plot_data_sed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard June 10 2011 see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_ext PURPOSE: Plots a Dustem extinction curve CATEGORY: Dustem, Plotting, Low-level CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_ext,st[,/help] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine (currently not passed) OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: model is plotted RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir_in=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR') dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir_in) loadct,13 dustem_plot_ext,st,yr=[1.e-6,1.e0],/ysty,xr=[1.,400],/xsty MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Modified by VG with flags /UV,/IR Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_extinction PURPOSE: Plots a DustEM extinction curve CATEGORY: DustEM, Plotting, Low-Level CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_extinction,st,st_model[,/help][,_extra=] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure st_model = Dustem model parameters structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: model is plotted RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir_in=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR') st_model=dustem_read_all(dir_in) dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir_in) loadct,13 dustem_plot_extinction,st,st_model,yr=[1.e-6,1.e0],/ysty,xr=[1.,400],/xsty MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_ext_deprecated PURPOSE: Plots a Dustem extinction CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_ext,st,st_model[,/help][,_extra=] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure st_model = Dustem model parameters structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: model is plotted RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir_in=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/dustem3.8_web/' st_model=dustem_read_all(dir_in) dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir_in) loadct,13 dustem_plot_ext,st,st_model,yr=[1.e-6,1.e0],/ysty,xr=[1.,400],/xsty MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Modified by VG with flags /UV,/IR Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_fit_extsed PURPOSE: Plots a Dustem model and SED. Parameter values and error are printed on plot. Used for plotting results during fit. CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont[,/no_spec_error][,res=][,errors=][,chi2=][,rchi2=][/help][_extra=] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure sed = Dustem model SED cont = Dustem model NIR continuum OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: res = fit result values. If set values are written on plot. errors = fit result errors. If set values are written on plot. chi2 = fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. rchi2 = Reduced fit chi^2. if set value is written on plot. _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: SED and model are plotted RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_plot_fit_sed,st,sed,cont MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_mlog CALLING SEQUENCE: plot_negative_log,x,y,_extra=_extra PURPOSE: plots an array in log scale including negative values in two half-plots INPUTS: x = x vector to plot y = y vector to plot OPTIONAL INPUT: ppositions = a 4-element vector for global plot position in the window dy = fractional distance between the two half-plots along y ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: _extra is filtered and passed to cgplot EXAMPLES x=[0,1,2,3,4,7,12] & y=[1.e-2,2,-1,-2,-5,-10,-50.] dustem_plot_mlog,x,y,xtitle='x',ytitle='y',xrange=[-1,15],/xsty,yrange=[0.001,100],/ysty,ppositions=[0.3,0.2,0.8,0.9],dy=0.001 x=lindgen(1000)/500. & y=sin(x*10)*exp(-x*2.)*1.e2 dustem_plot_mlog,x,y,xtitle='x',ytitle='y',xrange=[-0.1,2.],/xsty,yrange=[0.001,100],/ysty OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINE USED COMMONS: SIDE EFFECTS: The two half plots are forced to have the same (reflected) y axis. MODIFICATION HISTORY: written 28-06-22 by JPB Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_nuinu_em PURPOSE: Plots a DustEM emission spectrum CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_nuinu_em,st[,/help][,_extra=] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir) dustem_plot_nuinu_em,st,yr=[1e-28,1.e-22],/ysty,xr=[1,5e3],/xsty MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plot_polar PURPOSE: Plots a Dustem polarization curve CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plot_curve,st,,/help][,_extra=] INPUTS: st = Dustem model output structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra = extra parameters for the plot routine OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: model is plotted RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir_in=getenv('DUSTEM_SOFT_DIR')+'/src/dustem3.8_web/' dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir_in) loadct,13 dustem_plot_curve,st,yr=[1.e-6,1.e0],/ysty,xr=[1.,400],/xsty MODIFICATION HISTORY: Adapted by VG from Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_continuum PURPOSE: DUSTEM plugin to compute a blackbody continuum CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper CALLING SEQUENCE: cont=dustem_plugin_continuum([,key=][,val=]) INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: cont = continuum spectrum (on dustem wavelengths) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: scope = scope of the plugin paramdefault = default values of parameters paramtag = plugin parameter names as strings ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: This is a dustem plugin EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_ff_hii PURPOSE: DustEMWrap plugin to compute free-free emission CATEGORY: DustEM, Distributed, Mid-Level, Plugin CALLING SEQUENCE: freefree=dustem_plugin_freefree([,key=][,val=]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: freefree = free-free spectrum (on dustem wavelengths) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: scope = scope of the plugin paramdefault = default values of parameters paramtag = plugin parameter names as strings ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: This is a DustEMWrap plugin EXAMPLES dustem_init vec=dustem_plugin_freefree(scope=scope) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_freefree PURPOSE: DustEMWrap plugin to compute free-free emission CATEGORY: DustEM, Distributed, Mid-Level, Plugin CALLING SEQUENCE: freefree=dustem_plugin_freefree([,key=][,val=]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: freefree = free-free spectrum (on dustem wavelengths) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: scope = scope of the plugin paramdefault = default values of parameters paramtag = plugin parameter names as strings ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: This is a DustEMWrap plugin EXAMPLES dustem_init vec=dustem_plugin_freefree(scope=scope) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_mbbdy PURPOSE: DUSTEM plugin to compute modified black-body emission CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper CALLING SEQUENCE: output=dustem_plugin_mbbdy([,key=][,val=]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: output = MBB spectrum (on dustem wavelengths) (output[*,0] is Stokes I, output[*,1] Stokes Q and output[*,2] Stokes U) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: This is a dustem plugin EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_mbbdy_isrf PURPOSE: DUSTEM plugin to compute modified black-body emission CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper, Plugins, Lowlevel CALLING SEQUENCE: output=dustem_plugin_mbbdy([,key=][,val=]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: output = MBB spectrum (on dustem wavelengths) (output[*,0] is Stokes I, output[*,1] Stokes Q and output[*,2] Stokes U) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: This is a dustem plugin EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_mdfy_spinning_pol PURPOSE: MODIFIES THE SPINNING DUST SED BY INTRODUCING A POLARIZATION FRACTION p AND A POLARIZATION ANGLE psi CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper, Plugins, Low-Level CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plugin_modify_spinning_sed(st,key=key,val=val) INPUTS: st (st = dustem_run(p_dim)) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: out = array containing the extinction stokes parameters OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: This is a dustem plugin
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_modify_dust_pol PURPOSE: modifies Emission Stokes Q,U values for dust polarization in st according to the given keywords and values CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Plugin, Mid-level, Distributed CALLING SEQUENCE: a=dustem_plugin_modify_dust_pol(st,[key=][val=][,scope=][,paramtag=][,paramdefault=][,/help]) INPUTS: st = dustem structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter numbers (first = polarization fraction in %, default=1.%, second=polarization angle, default=0.) val = input parameter values OUTPUTS: out = array containing the stokes emission parameters associated to the dust/synchrotron component or a concatenated version for both OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: scope = if set, returns only the scope of the pluggin paramtag = if set, returns only the parameter tags ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem fortran code must be installed The dustem idl wrapper must be installed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by IC 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_modify_dust_polx PURPOSE: modifies Extinction Stokes Q,U values for dust polarization in st according to the given keywords and values CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Plugin, Mid-level, Distributed CALLING SEQUENCE: a=dustem_plugin_modify_dust_polx(st,[key=][val=][,scope=][,paramtag=][,/help]) INPUTS: st = dustem structure OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter numbers (first = polarization fraction in %, default=1.%, second=polarization angle, default=0.) val = input parameter values OUTPUTS: out = array containing the stokes emission parameters associated to the dust/synchrotron component or a concatenated version for both OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: scope = if set, returns only the scope of the pluggin paramtag = if set, returns only the parameter tags ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem fortran code must be installed The dustem idl wrapper must be installed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by IC 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_modify_isrf PURPOSE: REPLACES THE DEFAULT DUSTEM ISRF with a user-defined one CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plugin_modify_isrf(key=key,val=val) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed The path of the ISRF must be assigned to one of the DustEMWrap free pointers. The user-defined ISRF needs to be on the same dustem ISRF grid. PROCEDURE: EXAMPLES dustem_plugin_modify_isrf MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_stellar_population PURPOSE: replaces the default DUSTEM ISRF with a composite stellar spectrum CATEGORY: DUSTEM Wrapper CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_plugin_stellar_population(key=key,val=val) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The dustem fortran code must be installed The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: This is a dustem plugin
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_plugin_synchrotron PURPOSE: DustEMWrap plugin to compute synchrotron emission CATEGORY: DustEM, Distributed, Mid-Level, Plugin CALLING SEQUENCE: synch=dustem_plugin_synchrotron([,key=][,val=]) INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: key = input parameter number val = input parameter value OUTPUTS: synch = synch spectrum (on dustem wavelengths) OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: scope = scope of the plugin paramdefault = default values of parameters paramtag = plugin parameter names as strings ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: This is a DustEMWrap plugin EXAMPLES dustem_init vec=dustem_plugin_sychrotron(scope=scope) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_align PURPOSE: reads the ALIGN.DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, HighLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_read_align,dir_in,st_grains[,/help] INPUTS: dir_in : input directory where to read the file from st_grains : structure describing grain parameters for various grains (usually !dustem.grains) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: silent : if set, run silent (not used, actually) help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_all PURPOSE: Manages reading DustEM input data about properties of grain mixture CATEGORY: DustEM, Distributed, High-Level, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_all(dir_in,silent=silent,help=help) INPUTS: dir_in: directory containing .DAT files to describe grain population properties OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: Structure containing information about properties of grain mixture OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: silent = If set, function is silent help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES st=dustem_read_all(!dustem_wrap_soft_dir) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JP Bernard 2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_all_lv PURPOSE: Manages reading of information from .DAT files used by the LV version of the fortran CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, MidLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_all_lv(dir_in) INPUTS: dir_in : directory where input files are found OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_all_release PURPOSE: Reads all Dustem input data CATEGORY: Dustem, Distributed, High-Level, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_all_release(dir_in[,/silent]) INPUTS: dir_in: input directory OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help silent = If set, keep silent COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JP Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_all_res PURPOSE: Reads all Dustem fortran outputs (*.RES files) CATEGORY: Dustem, Low-level, Distributed, Fortran CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_all_res(dir_out[,/silent][,/help]) INPUTS: dir_out: Dustem output directory OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st: Dustem output structure structure: DUSTEM STRUCT ->Array[800] WAV FLOAT 0.0400000 EM_GRAIN_1 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_2 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_3 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_4 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_5 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_TOT FLOAT 0.00000 EXT STRUCT -> Array[799] WAV FLOAT 0.0406570 ABS_GRAIN FLOAT Array[5] SCA_GRAIN FLOAT Array[5] OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help silent = If set, function is silent COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init,/wrap dir=getenv('DUSTEM_RES') st=dustem_read_all_res(dir) help,st,/str MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2008 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_calor PURPOSE: reads information relating to grain heat capacities from the .DAT file to a dustem data structure CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_calor(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_calor_lv PURPOSE: reads .DAT files relating to grain heat capacities for the LV fortran version CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_read_calor_lv,dir,st INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_chrg PURPOSE: reads information relating to grain charge from the appropriate .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_chrg(file) INPUTS: file : file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_circ_vg PURPOSE: reads information relating to stellar polarisation from the appropriate .RES files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_circ_vg(file) INPUTS: file : file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_dustem PURPOSE: reads information relating to the emission from each grain type from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_dustem(file) INPUTS: file : output file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_dustem_lv PURPOSE: Reads all Dustem SED output CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User-Convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_dustem_lv,file,[/silent],[/help]) INPUTS: file: file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st: Dustem output structure structure: IDL> help,st,/str ** Structure <1733e38>, 7 tags, length=28, data length=28, refs=2: WAV FLOAT 0.0400000 EM_GRAIN_1 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_2 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_3 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_4 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_GRAIN_5 FLOAT 0.00000 EM_TOT FLOAT 0.00000 OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help silent = If set, function is silent COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_ext_lv PURPOSE: reads information relating to the extinction from each grain type from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_ext_lv(file) INPUTS: file : output file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_filters PURPOSE: Read filter information into the filter structure cc_method is the name of the IDL function used to compute the SED for those filters, including the color correction appropriate for each instrument. The tags of the filter structure are: Name: Filter name Nbands: Number of photometric bands filter_names: Name of the filters central_wavelengths: Filter central wavelengths (microns) central_frequencies: Filter central frequencies (Hz) filter_frequencies: Pointer array towards filter frequency arrays for each filter filter_transmissions: Pointer array towards filter transmission arrays for each filter use_frequencies: Pointer array towards filter frequencies to be used for in-band integrations of a given model (empty at this stage) use_transmissions: Pointer array towards filter transmission interpolated on use_frequencies (empty at this stage) cc_method: Color correction method to be used for these filters The following instruments are known: ; IRAC:irac_struct, $ ; MIPS:mips_struct, $ ; MSX:msx_struct, $ ; IRAS:iras_struct, $ ; DIRBE:dirbe_struct, $ ; SPM:spm_struct, $ ; ISOCAM:isocam_struct, $ ; ISOPHOTP:isophotP_struct, $ ; ISOPHOTC:isophotC_struct, $ ; EFIRAS:efiras_struct, $ ; ARCHEOPS:archeops_struct, $ ; HFI:hfi_struct, $ ; LFI:lfi_struct, $ ; WMAP:wmap_struct, $ ; SPIRE:spire_struct, $ ; PACS:pacs_struct, $ ; PILOT:pilot_struct, $ ; AKARI:akari_struct, $ ; BOLOCAM:bolocam_struct, $ ; WISE:wise_struct, $ ; LABOCA:laboca_struct, $ ; SABOCA:saboca_struct, $ ; GISMO:gismo_struct, $ ; SPASS:spass_struct, $ ; NIKA2:nika2_struct, $ ; SCUBA2:scuba2_struct, $ ; HAWCPLUS:hawcplus_struct, $ ; IRS:irs_struct, $ ; MIRI:miri_struct, $ ; NIRCAM:nircam_struct, $ ; NIRISS:niriss_struct $ CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level, Instrument Filters CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_read_filters INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: plot_it = If set, make a plot of the filter transmission help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Authors: J.P. Bernard, N. Flagey, D. Paradis, A. Hughes Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_fits_table PURPOSE: Reads a Dustem fits table into current DustEMWrap system variables CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, High-Level, Distributed, User convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_read_fits_table[,filename=][,/help] INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: filename = File name to be read (default='./dustemwrap_results.fits') OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: dustem_st = emission and extinction dustem output structure (total and for each grain type) ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: DustEMWrap system variables are set RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard July 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_gas PURPOSE: reads the file GAS.dat and returns the corresponding data structure CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_gas(file,[/silent][,/help]) INPUTS: file = file name to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st: output data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: silent = If set, keeps quiet help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB,NF,DP Jan-2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_gemissiv PURPOSE: reads information relating to emissivity of each grain type from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_gmissiv(file) INPUTS: file : output file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_grain PURPOSE: reads the file GRAIN.dat and returns the corresponding grain structure CATEGORY: Dustem, Distributed, Mid-Level, Fortran CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_grain(file,[/silent][,key_str=][,G0=][,/help]) INPUTS: file = file name to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st: output structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: key_str : a string containing grain keywords G0 : The G0 value (scaling factor for radiation field) ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help silent = If set, keeps quiet COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB,NF,DP Jan-2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_ionfrac PURPOSE: reads information for the fractions of neutral, positive, negative PAHs from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_ionfrac(file) INPUTS: file : output file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_isrf PURPOSE: reads information relating to the ISRF and associated wavelength grid CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_isrf(file,nisrf=nisrf) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Nisrf : number of elements in the wavelength grid where ISRF is defined ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_lambda PURPOSE: reads information relating to wavelengths used for the dust spectra CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_lambda(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_mix PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain mixture from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_mix(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_pol PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain polarization parameters from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_pol(dir_in,file) INPUTS: dir_in : directory with input file file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written VG (?) Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_propmass PURPOSE: reads information relating to the mass of different grain types from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_propmass(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_qabs PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain Qabs from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_qabs(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_qabs_desert PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain qabsture from the corresponding .DAT file for the Desert fortran version. Deprecated. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization. Deprecated. CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_qabs_desert(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_qabs_lv PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain QABS from the corresponding .DAT file for the LV fortran version CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_qabs_lv(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: read_densities : if grain densities are size-dependent they should be read here help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_secteffir PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain cross section in the IR from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_secteffir(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_secteffuv PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain cross section in the UV from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_secteffuv(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_size PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain size distribution from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_size(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_specem PURPOSE: reads information relating to the model emission spectrum from each grain type from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_specem(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_spin PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain spin from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_spin(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_taille PURPOSE: reads information relating to the grain size distribution from the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_taille(file) INPUTS: file : input file to be read OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_read_tls PURPOSE: read information relating to TLS model parameters from the .DAT files into a structure. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_read_tls(dir,file) INPUTS: file : TLS .dat file name to be read dir : input directory to find TLS .dat file OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st : dustem data structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: silent : quiet mode help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written DP (?) Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_restore_sed_fit PURPOSE: Restore Dustem SED fit results from a file. CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_restore_sed_fit,file[,/help] INPUTS: file = File name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The !dustem_fit structure is updated The !dustem_data, !dustem_filters, !dustem_verbose and !run_ionfrac are also affected. RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_fit_sed_readme file=getenv('DUSTEM_RES')+'DUSTEM_fit_example.sav' dustem_restore_sed_fit,file MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_restore_system_variables PURPOSE: Restores Dustem system variables a file CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_restore_system_variables,file[,/help] INPUTS: file = File name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: File is restored. The following system variables are resstored: !dustem_fit !dustem_data !dustem_filters !run_ionfrac !dustem_verbose RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_run PURPOSE: Runs the DUSTEM code and returns the results into a structure. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Mid-Level, Fortran CALLING SEQUENCE: st=dustem_run(params[,/help]) INPUTS: params = model parameter values OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: st: output structure OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES st=dustem_run(params) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB 2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_run_example PURPOSE: This is an example of how to run the DustEM fortran code using DustEMWrap CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_run_example,model,show=show,postscript=postscript,help=help INPUTS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: show = vector specifying the type of plot(s) to show. Possible values (for all dust models) are ["emis", "extuv", "extir", "alb", "sdist","rfield"] Additionally, for the G17_MODEL?s with polarisation, you can specify [ "polext", "polsed", "align"] "emis" -- Stokes I SED in emission predicted by the model "extuv" -- Extinction in the UV predicted by the model "extir" -- Extinction in the IR predicted by the model "alb" -- Albedo of the grain types "sdist" -- Size distribution of the grain types "rfield" -- Dust-heating radiation field "polsed" -- Polarised intensity SED predicted by the model "polext" -- Polarised extinction predicted by the model "align" -- Grain alignment fraction predicted by the model "all" -- All plots appropriate to the model OUTPUTS: Plots OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: postscript = on/off if set, plots are saved as postscript in the current working directory (and not shown on screen) help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_run_example,'DBP90',show="all",/post MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written JPB Apr-2011 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_run_plugins PURPOSE: runs the plugins according to their scopes a N_ELEMENTS(PLUGINS)X N_ELEMENTS(SCOPES) matrix is created to achieve this CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Mid-Level, Plugins CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_run_plugins,p_dim,param_descs,param_values,scopes,[,st][,avoid][,dustem_run][,/help] INPUTS: p_dim = parameter values param_descs = parameter description vector param_values = current parameter values param-func = plugin indices array scopes = scopes of plugins OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: avoid = scopes should be avoided dustem_run = Dustem should be run OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: st = Dustem output structure ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = if set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_activate_plugins, p_min, pram_descs, param_values, param_func, scopes, st=st, avoid=avoid, dustem_run=dustem_run MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by IC Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_save_sed_fit PURPOSE: Save Dustem SED fit results in a file CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_save_sed_fit,file[,/help] INPUTS: file = File name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: File is stored. The stored data are taken from !dustem_fit, !dustem_data, !dustem_filters, !dustem_verbose and !run_ionfrac RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_save_system_variables PURPOSE: Save Dustem system variables a file CATEGORY: Dustem CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_save_system_variables,file[,/help] INPUTS: file = File name OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: File is stored. The following system variables are stored: !dustem_fit !dustem_data !dustem_filters !run_ionfrac !dustem_verbose RESTRICTIONS: The dustem idl wrapper must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard see evolution details on the dustem cvs maintained at CESR Contact J.-Ph. Bernard ( in case of problems.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_sed_extractor PURPOSE: Extract SEDs from a set of maps CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, Analysis Helper CALLING SEQUENCE: sed=sed_extractor(maps,index,filters[,comments=][,maps_order=][,method=][,mask_I_undef=][,/total_intensity_only]) INPUTS: maps : a set of Nmaps maps of same dimension [Nx,Ny,Nmaps,Ndata_sets] index_roi : spatial index in Nx,Ny where the SED is to be extracted from (ROI=region of interest) filters : DustEMWrap filters corresponding to each dataset [Ndata_sets] OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: comments = a vector of strings to be attached to the SED. Also an output. maps_order = a vector of 9 integers giving the 0-based index for I,Q,U,II,QQ,UU,IQ,IU,QU in that order (default [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]). For total intensity only, use something like [0,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]. method = extraction method (default = 'MEAN')/ Possible values : 'MEAN','MEAN_ONOFF','QU_CORREL' index_off = same as index for the OFF region (needed only for method='MEAN_ONOFF') reference_filter = reference filter to be correlated with each map (needed only for method='QU_CORREL') OUTPUTS: SED : a dustemwrap SED structure containing te extracted SED OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: mask_I_undef = a map of saturated pixels found in Stokes I comments = a vector of strings to be written as comments into the SED. ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: total_intensity_only = if set, data is assumed to contain only total intensity (no polarization) comments = comments to be added to the sed. sed_extractor adds comments to this COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: None PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by JPB 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_serkwoski PURPOSE: computes the Serkowski law (as per Draine & Fraisse 2009) CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Helper CALLING SEQUENCE: serk = DUSTEM_SERKOWSKI(X,[KA=KA,XMAX=XMAX,PMAX=PMAX]) INPUTS: X -- array(n_qabs) inverse wavenumber in 1/microns' OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KA (I): K factor, default = 0.92 XMAX (I): x-position of max, default = 1.82 PMAX (I): max polar. fraction, default = 0.03 OUTPUTS: OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by LV (VG ?) Initially distributed with the Fortran, incorporated into DustEMWrap 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_set_data PURPOSE: Set the *!dustem data (and *!dustem_show) datasets in emission and/or extinction from input data structures *!dustem_data is important for the fitting of data and its general handling by DustEMWrap. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Mid-Level, Distributed, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_set_data,[,m_fit=,x_fit=][,m_show=,x_show=],[,rchi2_weight=][,f_HI=][,/help] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: m_fit : DustEMWrap structure contaning emission data to be fitted m_show : DustEMWrap structure containing emission data to be displayed x_fit : DusteEMWrap structure containing extinction data to be fitted x_show : DustEMWrap structure containing extinctiond data to be displayed rchi2_weight : DustEMWrap structure containing the wieghts for chi2 calculation f_HI : multiplicative factor for the SED values (extinction and emission) OUTPUTS: None/ALL OF THE ABOVE? OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: initializes !dustem_data and !dustem_show wavelengths are forced to be the central filter wavelength for photometric data RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES dustem_init dir=!dustem_wrap_soft_dir+'/Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/' file=dir+'example_SED_1.xcat' spec=read_xcat(file,/silent) dustem_set_data,m_fit=spec,m_show=spec nb: in this example *!dustem_data and *!dustem_show end up identical MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2007 V. Guillet (2012) : dustem_set_data is turned into a function which can be used indifferently for sed, ext, polext I. Choubani (2022): dustem_set_data is turned into a procedure for emission/extinction with/without polarization. Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_set_func_ind CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_set_func_ind PURPOSE: Sorts the parameter descriptions and values the way they must be processed. INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINE USED Parameter description (!param_desc) and values (!init_value) are ordered the way they should be processed. The ordered information is put into system variables !PDO and !IDO respectively If the isrf is being modified, then, PAH ionization fraction is set to be updated as well. SIDE EFFECTS: !PDO and !IDO variables are set. Optionally !ionfrac is set. The !func_ind variable is set. MODIFICATION HISTORY: See cvs logs Written by NF,JPB,DP Jan-2007
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_set_params PURPOSE: Initialise the *!dustem_fit system variable with the free parameters used in the fit and their general handling by DustEMWrap. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Mid-Level, Distributed, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_set_params,params[,/help] INPUTS: params -- free parameters to be used in the fit OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: initializes information in !dustem_fit RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard 2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_set_plot_range PURPOSE: Sets the X and Y plotting ranges for the different datasets in emission and extinction when in polarization mode and not (using the _extra structure). CATEGORY: DustEMWrap CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_set_plot_range,test_m,test_x,_extra=_extra INPUTS: test_m : (Boolean) signaling emission mode test_x : (Boolean) signaling extinction mode OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: _extra structure containing the plotting keywords OUTPUTS: NONE OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Changes the default plotting parameters in the !dustem_plot_range pointer. The procedure only works with the presence of the _extra structure RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_set_plot_range ,test_m,test_x, _extra=_extra MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ilyes Choubani Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_sort_params CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_sort_params PURPOSE: Sorts the parameter descriptions and values the way they must be processed. INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINE USED Parameter description (!param_desc) and values (!init_value) are ordered the way they should be processed. The ordered information is put into system variables !PDO and !IDO respectively If the isrf is being modified, then, PAH ionization fraction is set to be updated as well. SIDE EFFECTS: !PDO and !IDO variables are set. Optionally !ionfrac is set. The !func_ind variable is set. RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by NF,JPB,DP Jan-2007 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_stellarpopisrf_example PURPOSE: This routine is an example of how to fit an observational SED (StokesI only) with DustEM and DustEMWrap, and an ISRF that is due to a user-defined population of nearby main sequence stars. DustEMWrap reads information about the stellar spectral types (effective temperature, radius) from the EEM_dwarf_UBVIJHK_colors_Teff.txt file that is located in the Data/STELLARPOPS/ directory. This data file was authored by Prof. Erik Mamajek (see the file for more details). For this example, we generate an SED using an input model and then launch the fit with a starting guess that has been shifted away from the true parameter values. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Example CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_fit_stellarpopisrf_example[,model=][sed_file=][isrf_file=][,postscript=][,Nitermax=][,fits_save=][,/help,/wait,/verbose] INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Plots, results structure in binary FITS table format ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: model = specifies the interstellar dust mixture used by DustEM. See userguide or for more details about available models in current release. sed_file = string naming the path to text file in .xcat format that describes the observational SED. If not set, the file 'Data/EXAMPLE_OBSDATA/example_SED_2.xcat' is used. isrf_file = text file describing ISRF postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file Nitermax = maximum number of fit iterations. Default is 5. fits_save = if set, save the fit results in a binary FITS file. postscript = if set, final plot is saved as postscript file help = if set, print this help wait = if set, wait this many seconds between each step of the code (for illustration purposes) verbose = if set, subroutines will run in verbose mode noobj = if set, runs with no object graphics COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_fit_stellarpopisrf_example dustem_fit_stellarpopisrf_example,Nitermax=10,fits_save='/tmp/mysavefile.fits' dustem_fit_stellarpopisrf_example,model='DBP90',isrf_file='./myisrf_habing.dat',sed_file='./mysed.xcat' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_test_model_exists PURPOSE: Test if DustEMWrap user has entered a string that matches a known dust model CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-Level, helper parse I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: exist_status=dustem_test_model_exists(model) INPUTS: model : string provided by user to indicate an ISM dust model OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: exist_status : 1 = exists, 0 = does not exists OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = print this help silent = determine status, but don't print anything polarisation = check if model includes polarisation COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: If model is unknown, code will stop. RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES dustem_test_model_exists,'DL01' dustem_test_model_exists,'G17_MODELA',/pol,/silent MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by AH Feb 2023 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_align PURPOSE: writes the ALIGN.DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_align,file,st_align INPUTS: file : name of the file to be written st_align : structure describing alignment parameters for various grains (usually !dustem.grains.align) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : whrites this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: a File is written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_all PURPOSE: Manages writing of DustEM input data files CATEGORY: DustEM, Distributed, Low-level, Fortran CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_all,st,dir_out[,/help] INPUTS: st: DustEM input structure dir_out: output directory OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed The DustEM fortran code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_all_lv PURPOSE: Manages writing of information to .DAT files used by the fortran. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, MidLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_all_lv,st,dir_out INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir_out : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_all_release PURPOSE: writes .DAT files necessary to run dustem within dustemwrap CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, HighLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_all_release,st,dir_out INPUTS: st : dustem structure dir_out : output directory where files will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap idl code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_calor PURPOSE: writes information relating to grain heat capacities in the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_calor,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_calor_lv PURPOSE: copies .DAT files relating to grain heat capacities into the runtime directory CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_calor_lv,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory for files OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_chrg PURPOSE: writes information relating to grain charge in the appropriate .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_chrg,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output directory for file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_fits_table PURPOSE: Write a FITS table with content of current DustEMWrap system variables CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, High-Level, User Convenience CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_fits_table,file[,/help] INPUTS: filename = File name to be written (default='./dustemwrap_results.fits') OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set, print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Output FITS file is written to disk. All dustem system variables are reinitialized RESTRICTIONS: The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE: None EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by J.-Ph. Bernard July 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_gas PURPOSE: writes information relating to gas properties in the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_gas,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_gemissiv PURPOSE: writes information relating to grain emissivity in the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_gemissiv,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_grain PURPOSE: Old method for writing information relating to grain properties in the corresponding GRAIN.DAT file. DEPRECATED. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization, Deprecated CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_grain,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_grain_lv PURPOSE: Old method for writing information relating to grain properties in the corresponding GRAIN.DAT file. DEPRECATED. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization, Deprecated CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_grain_lv,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_grain_release PURPOSE: writes information relating to grain parameters to the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_grain_release,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_ionfrac PURPOSE: writes information relating to the ionization fraction to the .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_tls,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_isrf PURPOSE: writes information relating to the ISRF in the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_isrf,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_isrf_lv PURPOSE: Writes file ISRF.DAT used by DustemWrap CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-level, Fortran CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_isrf_lv,file,st[,/help] INPUTS: file : file name st : input structure containing ISRF information (will be modified) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Writes a file RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINES EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ilyes Choubani 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_isrf_release PURPOSE: Writes file ISRF.DAT used by DustemWrap CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, Low-level, Fortran CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_isrf_release,file,st[,/help] INPUTS: file : file name st : input structure containing ISRF information (will be modified) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help = If set print this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Writes a file RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURE AND SUBROUTINES EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Ilyes Choubani 2022 Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_lambda PURPOSE: writes information relating to wavelength grid corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_lambda,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_mix PURPOSE: writes information relating to grain mixture parameters in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_mix,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_pol PURPOSE: writes information relating to model polarization parameters in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_pol,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_propmass PURPOSE: writes information relating to grain abundances to corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_propmass,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_qabs PURPOSE: writes information relating to QABS parameters in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_qabs,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_qabspol PURPOSE: writes information relating to polarized QABS properties in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_qabspol,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure i_axis : indicate whether we are writing params for Stokes I,Q or U dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_qabs_desert PURPOSE: writes information relating to absorption/scattering coefficients in the corresponding .DAT file for the Desert format version of the .DAT FILES. DEPRECATED. CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization, Deprecated. CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_qabs_desert,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_qabs_lv PURPOSE: writes information relating to QABS parameters in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_qabs_lv,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_qh PURPOSE: writes information relating to QH/QABS/QSCA parameters in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_qh,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_qpol PURPOSE: writes information relating to polarized QABS, QSCA properties in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_qpol,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure i_axis : indicate whether we are writing params for Stokes I,Q or U dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_size_lv PURPOSE: writes information relating to size distribution parameters in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_size_lv,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_specem PURPOSE: writes information relating to model spectrum in the corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_specem,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_spin PURPOSE: writes information relating to grain spin parameters in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_spin,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_taille PURPOSE: writes information relating to grain size distribution corresponding .DAT file CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_taille,file,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure file : output file to be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/
NAME: dustem_write_tls PURPOSE: writes information relating to TLS model parameters in the .DAT files CATEGORY: DustEMWrap, Distributed, LowLevel, Initialization CALLING SEQUENCE: dustem_write_tls,dir,st INPUTS: st : dustem data structure dir : output directory where file will be written OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ACCEPTED KEY-WORDS: help : writes this help COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: Files are written RESTRICTIONS: The DustEM fortran code must be installed The DustEMWrap IDL code must be installed PROCEDURES AND SUBROUTINES USED: EXAMPLES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Evolution details on the DustEMWrap gitlab. See for FAQ and help.
(See src/idl/