A modelling tool for INTERSTELLAR dust emission AND extinction
DustEMWrap is an IDL extension to the DustEM code.
DustEMWrap allows the user iteratively call DustEM while modifying the input parameters to DustEM from within the IDL environment. DustEMWrap thus provides an easy implementation of any operation requiring multiple calls to DustEM.Â
To fit an observed IR-to-radio spectral energy distribution (SED), DustEMWrap uses a generic χ2 minimisation process. DustEMWrap incorporates transmission curves and color corrections for a large set of IR/submm instruments. DustEMWrap supports the use of plug-ins, which are user-defined components (e.g. synchrotron/free-free emission, a customised ISRF) that may be included in the fitting procedure. In DustEMWrap, model SEDs can thus be constructed using user-defined components as well as the physical ISM dust models and default options of the DustEM code, making it a flexible tool for the fitting of continuum data in the IR-to-radio regime.
Core features of the current DustEMWrap release include:
1. Color corrections within photometric bands applied to the DustEM spectra
2. Iterative fitting of astronomical SEDsÂ
3. Generation of pre-computed DustEM tables to make fast comparisons with astronomical data
4. Optional inbuilt and user-defined plug-ins to model emission processes besides thermal emission from dust and modify default DustEM parameters
5. Iterative fitting of linear polarisation (Stokes IQU) due to thermal dust and synchrotron emission.
6. A helper tool that allows users to extract an SED (StokesIQU or Stokes I only) from input WCS FITS files.