Plug-ins allow users to include information in the fitting and creation of SEDs that is not handled by the DustEM code. One common example is fitting an observational SED with measurements at millimetre wavelengths when the user suspects that free-free or synchrotron emission may be present in addition to thermal dust emission. Other examples include modifying the spectral shape of the ISRF that heats the dust, or fitting some parts of the SED using blackbody or modified blackbody functions, rather than a physical interstellar dust model. Multiple plugins can be invoked simultaneously.
The current DustEMWrap release includes several plug-ins that may be of interest for common science applications. These are:
dustem_plugin_continuum: a blackbody continuum emission component.
dustem_plugin_freefree: a free-free emission component.
dustem_plugin_synchrotron: a synchrotron emission component.
dustem_plugin_modify_dust_pol: applies a polarization fraction and/or a polarization angle to the DustEM output in emission. It is needed to predict polarization fraction and angle in emission.
dustem_plugin_modify_dust_polx: applies a polarization fraction and/or a polarization angle to the DustEM output in extinction. It is needed to predict polarization fraction and angle in extinction.
dustem_plugin_mbbdy: a modified blackbody continuum emission component
dustem_plugin_stellar_population: constructs an ISRF component due to stars of a user-specified spectral type(s) that contribute to heating the dust. The current DustEMWrap release provides data for main-sequence stars only. Other spectral types will be implemented in future releases.
dustem_plugin_modify_isrf: constructs an ISRF component using a input data file that specifies the ISRF as a function of wavelength.
See the DustEMWrap Users' Guide and our Tutorials for more information about invoking plug-ins and specifying their parameters.
Experienced users are welcome to write their own plug-ins. For help with writing plug-ins, please contact us.